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Social media research

Social media uses

1. If you follow my blog or read it, or others,  how do you do that?  (Check all that apply)
2. What is your preferred way to access blogs on a regular basis?
3. Which social media do you spend time scrolling or updating on a regular basis?  (Check all that apply)
4. Which social media would you look to find daily deals or sales?  (Check all that apply)
5. On your own blog,  how do you prefer readers interact with you?
6. When looking for reviews of books, where do you look (on a specific book)?
For the open ended questions I am thinking of answers like:  review posts, cover reveals, spotlights, daily sales and deals, other posts like challenges, discussions, memes. You may think of other categories I have not. I guess for Instagram and maybe Facebook, people post photos or videos of books, and book mail.
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